Pass The Message Sample Phrases

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Message Relay. The participants are divided into groups and each group forms a line. The person in front will be given a message and must pass it correctly to the next person. The goal is to get the message relayed to the last person intact and without any changes.

Examples Of Security Phrases

Windows 7 sp1 download 64 bit kb976932. Introduction People who work together are communicating with each other. If they communicate effectively, this will enhance the performance of the group. If communication is poor, the quality of group work will suffer. The importance of a good communication is demonstrated in this “Whispering game” (also called “Message Relay”) by illustrating the breakdown of the communication.


The exercise can be used as a starter for sessions on (effective) communication. Clubs will benefit if there is good communication between members. Objectives • To illustrate the breakdown of communication. Pehla nasha piano notes. • To demonstrate the importance of effective communication. Duration • 30 minutes Materials • None Methodology • Ask all the participants to form a circle. The facilitator also takes a place in this circle.